March 2018 Welfare Notes

March, 2018

Member Assistance Program
The Member Assistance Program is a confidential, professional resource that is provided by your Trust Fund. It includes a staff of counselors, psychologists and other professionals to help Members and their dependents resolve personal problems. The services are provided by Human Behavior Associates, Inc.
Human Behavior Associates is a private firm that specializes in providing employee counseling and assistance programs. The staff includes psychologists, clinical social workers, marriage and family therapists and addiction counselors.

All contact between employees and the Member Assistance Program is strictly confidential. Your Trust Fund has contracted with Human Behavior Associates to provide a specific number of no-cost counseling sessions.  For continued treatment, you will be referred to your medical plan. Be sure to enroll in a medical plan.  There may be charges for continued treatment.

To request help call 1-800-937-7770 or collect at 707-747-0117. The help line is available 24 hours per day. The program staff will refer you to the appropriate resource for your issues. You will be referred to local counselors and treatment centers, self-help programs and other sources for immediate assistance.

You can also contact Human Behavior Associates, Inc online at

A copy of the brochure is available in the West Coast Sailors website under the SUP Welfare Plan tab.