Welfare Notes - September 2008

September, 2008

SUP Money Purchase Pension and 401(k) Plans Quarterly Statements

In the interest of providing you with your account information as quickly possible following the end of the last calendar quarter, your Retirement Plan Statement Contribution Summary only included the contributions reported to MasterPlan through July 18th, 2008.  Any contributions reported after July 18, will be reported to you in the Contribution Summary of your next quarterly statement.

Please keep the SUP Welfare Plan informed of any address changes.  Our office frequently receives statements returned for bad addresses.

Seafarers Medical Center

When possible, members should use the home office in San Francisco for annual physical exams, sign-ons and drug screens. No appointments necessary and quick turnaround. The San Francisco office is for mariners only.

Michelle Chang, Administrator  
Patty Martin  
Virginia Briggs, Claims   
Michael Jacyna, Eligibility