Dear Participant: We are pleased to present SUP Welfare Plan's Summary Plan Description describing the benefits provided by the SUP Welfare Plan. The Plan was established in accordance with Collective Bargaining Agreements between the Sailors' Union of the Pacific and participating employers.
The Plan Description furnishes a brief description of the benefits to which you and your family are entitled, the rules governing these benefits, and the procedures that should be followed when making a claim. This booklet includes certain information concerning the administration of the Plan as required by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. We urge you and your family to read this booklet thoroughly so that you will be familiar with the benefits of the Plan. We are pleased to present this booklet describing the benefits provided by the SUP Welfare Plan.
Welfare Notes - May 2014
Initial Active Eligibility & Coverage
Active members become eligible for coverage in the month after they complete 120 eligibility mandays within a 12-month period. Once a member becomes eligible, the member must enroll in a plan for coverage. The medical and dental plan choices are dependent upon your residence or the port from which you ship.
Continuing Eligibility & Coverage for Active Participants
After the initial eligibility requirements have been met, continuing eligibility requires the participant to work at least 60 eligible mandays within the eligibility period. The time worked for continuing eligibility may change the beginning and ending months for the new eligibility period because continuing eligibility is a rolling eligibility period. The new eligibility period starts in the month following the 60th day worked.
As an example, if a member with a Group One Eligibility period January 01, 2014 through December 31, 2014 ships 60 Group One Days in June and July 2014, the new Group One Eligibility period will be August 01, 2014 through July 31, 2015. A new rolling eligibility period begins in the month following the 60th Group One Day worked. The time worked does not add 12-months onto his previous eligibility.
If a member with a Group Two Eligibility period January 01, 2014 through June 30, 2014 works 60 Group Two Days in March and April 2014, the new Group Two Eligibility period will be May 01, 2014 through October 31, 2014. A new rolling eligibility period begins in the month following the 60th Group Two Day worked. The time worked does not add 6-months onto his previous eligibility.
Group One Mandays can count for Group One, Group Two, or Group Three eligibility. Group Two Mandays can count for Group Two, or Group Three eligibility. Group Three Mandays can count only for Group Three eligibility.
Group One eligibility is good for 12-months of member and dependent coverage. Group Two eligibility is good for 6-months of member and dependent coverage. Group Three eligibility is good for 6-months of member only coverage.
Please contact the SUP Welfare Plan office for any eligibility or coverage questions.
Michelle Chang, Administrator
Patty Martin
Virginia Briggs, Claims
Michael Jacyna, Eligibility
SUP Welfare Plan
730 Harrison Street, #415
San Francisco, CA 94107
Phone Numbers: 415-778-5490 or 1-800-796-8003
Fax: 415-778-5495
Training Representative Berit Eriksson 206-551-1870
SIU-PD Pension Plan 415-764-4987
SIU-PD Supplemental Benefits Fund 415-764-4991