West Coast Sailors

October 2009

Election Supplement

October 2009

Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood, speaking at the World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C., singled out the achievements of the merchant marine.

September 2009

Seafarer wages have been frozen until some time next year, following an agreement between representatives of many leading shipowners and the main maritime trade Unions.

August 2009

Delegates to the AFL-CIO?s Convention in Pittsburgh enthusiastically adopted an ambitious series of resolutions that set forth a strategy aimed at restarting the economy and creating and sustaining good jobs.

July 2009

Our nation is now engaged in a great debate about the future of health care in America. Millions of Americans quietly struggle every day with a system that often works better for the health-insurance companies than it does for them.

June 2009

Members of the House Subcommittee on the Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation expressed disappointment during a hearing on July 9, concerning the time necessary for the Coast Guard to process Merchant Mariner Credentials and license processing.

May 2009

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the Pacific Coast Maritime Strike of 1934 and the General Strike in San Francisco?events which sparked the resurgence of the maritime labor movement and the labor movement as a whole.

April 2009

Bob Filner (D-California), Chairman of the House Committee on Veterans? Affairs, announced on May 12, that the full House of Representatives by voice vote, had passed legislation to assist U.S. merchant mariners of World War II. This is the fifth time the bill has been submitted to Congress by Chairman Filner.

March 2009

As the West Coast Sailors goes to press, SUP sailors are preparing to board the APL Agate in Norfolk, Virginia, where the vessel will be reflagged from Singapore to U.S.-flag. Next month the same thing will occur in the APL Japan.

February 2009

On March 16 the U.S. Coast Guard issued a final rule to consolidate the regulations covering the issuance of merchant mariner qualification credentials, to reduce the burden on mariners
